WebARKit has obtained the Netlify Open Source Team plan

Latest news around WebARKit,Jsartoolkit5 and ARnft development

Published: Dec 26, 2020 by Walter Perdan

We are now a Netlify Open Source Team!

Webarkit Netlify Open Source Team

That is the most important news, our request was accepted some days before Christhmas, what better gift! Netlify is a well known web service. Another important news: we have also our OpenCollective profile: WebArKit; we have just started this journey, so wait until we have finish the setup.

A lot of discussions and sharing of ideas about the future of WebARKit and ARnft, for sure in the next weeks , month we will release a new improved version of ARnft and probably the first WebAR Kit version. We don’t set up a milestone or a releasing date, but we are working on this.

Recently i have also relased a new ARnft version with some nice features see this PR, this is about Threejs rendering system. I added some important event listeners that let you built more advanced stuff. I also removed the Ofscreencanvas that was causing an issue.

About Arnft: our idea is to make ARnft more agnostic in rispect to every rendering engine. Our plan is to evolve it to a modular system in which the developer may choose his preferred render engine (Three.js, Babylonjs….) without any constrictions. For doing this we will switch to a typed script version of the library, that will let us more freedom and will add more flexibility.

If you want partecipate to the discussion, join us on the discussions board see this topic: The Future of ARnft and WebARKit 

More to come…
