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The new jsartoolkitNFT with Typescript support
The new jsartoolkitNFT with Typescript support

We started to develop a Typescript version of jsartoolkitNFT because we plan to transcode our libraries with this language. That was the first step, the next one will be transcoding ARnft, the process is on the way see the PR, but this wasn’t possible without before porting jsartoolkitNFT.

WebARKit has obtained the Netlify Open Source Team plan
ARnft and JsartoolkitNFT under the WebARKit organization | The official blog of WebAR Kit
ARnft and JsartoolkitNFT under the WebARKit organization | The official blog of WebAR Kit

ARnft and JsartoolkitNFT under the WebARKit organization

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Welcome to WebAR Kit Blog! | The official blog of WebAR Kit

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