WebAR Kit - webarkit-testing example page

Some examples showing webarkit-testing capabilities

We present here some of the examples of our experimental project for WebAR webarkit-testing Four examples with four trackers are available: Freak, Orb, Akaze and Teblid. To test you need the Pinball image see below.

Pinball image

Wait until an image will be superimposed with a blue rect around it. Note that the examples are not yet intended to woks correctly on Mobile, better if you test on a desktop device. If you find an issue file one at our issue tracker or if you want to comment or partecipate on the development start a new discussion

Akaze example with 2d tracking

A simple WebARkit Akaze example that display an image.

Freak example with 2d tracking

A simple WebARKit Freak example that display an image.

Orb example with 2d tracking

A simple WebARKit Orb example that display an image.

Teblid example with 2d tracking

A simple WebARKit Teblid example that display an image.